The First Month Of The Hebrew Calendar 2024: A Guide

JewishCalendar Laura L. Zielke
JewishCalendar Laura L. Zielke from

The Hebrew calendar is a lunar calendar used by Jewish communities around the world. The first month of the Hebrew calendar is called Nisan, and it marks the beginning of the Jewish year. In 2024, Nisan will start on the evening of March 24th and end on the evening of April 22nd. Here is a guide to the first month of the Hebrew calendar 2024.

What is Nisan?

Nisan is the first month of the Hebrew calendar, and it is also known as the “month of miracles.” It is the month in which the Jewish people were freed from slavery in Egypt and received the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai. Nisan is a time of renewal and spiritual growth, and it is the start of the festival cycle in Judaism.

What are the Holidays in Nisan?

Nisan is a month of many holidays and celebrations in the Jewish calendar. The first holiday of Nisan is Passover, which commemorates the Jewish exodus from Egypt. Passover is celebrated for seven or eight days, depending on whether you live in Israel or outside of Israel. During Passover, Jews eat matzah, a type of unleavened bread, to remember the haste with which the Jewish people left Egypt.

Another holiday in Nisan is Yom HaShoah, or Holocaust Memorial Day. This day is observed on the 27th of Nisan and is a time to remember the six million Jews who were killed during the Holocaust.

How is Nisan Celebrated?

Nisan is a time of celebration and reflection in the Jewish calendar. Jews around the world celebrate Passover by attending seders, or festive meals, with family and friends. During the seder, Jews retell the story of the exodus from Egypt and eat symbolic foods, such as bitter herbs and charoset, which represent the hardships of slavery and the sweetness of freedom.

Yom HaShoah is a more solemn day of remembrance. Jews around the world light candles and attend memorial services to remember those who were killed during the Holocaust.

What are Some Traditions in Nisan?

One tradition in Nisan is to clean your home before Passover begins. This is known as “spring cleaning,” and it is done to remove any leavened bread or chametz from the home before the holiday begins.

Another tradition is to search for chametz on the night before Passover begins. Jews use a candle, feather, and wooden spoon to search for any remaining chametz in their home, which is then burned in a ceremonial fire.

What is the Significance of Nisan?

Nisan is a month of new beginnings and spiritual growth in the Jewish calendar. It is a time to reflect on the miracles of the past and to look forward to the future with hope and optimism. Nisan is a time of celebration and remembrance, and it is a reminder of the resilience of the Jewish people in the face of adversity.

How Can I Celebrate Nisan?

There are many ways to celebrate Nisan, whether you are Jewish or not. You can attend a Passover seder, learn about Jewish history and culture, or participate in a community service project. You can also reflect on the miracles in your own life and give thanks for the blessings that you have received.

What Can I Expect in Nisan 2024?

In 2024, Nisan will start on the evening of March 24th and end on the evening of April 22nd. Passover will begin on the evening of March 25th and end on the evening of April 2nd. Yom HaShoah will be observed on April 14th.


Nisan is a month of celebration and remembrance in the Jewish calendar. It is a time to reflect on the miracles of the past and to look forward to the future with hope and optimism. Whether you are Jewish or not, there are many ways to celebrate Nisan and to connect with the spirit of renewal and spiritual growth that it represents.

So mark your calendars and get ready to celebrate the first month of the Hebrew calendar 2024!

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