Ithaca Calendar Clock For Sale 2024


Ithaca Calendar Clock for Sale 2024


If you are a clock collector or enthusiast, you might have heard about the Ithaca Calendar Clock. This is a unique clock that features a calendar and clock mechanism in one. It was first introduced in the late 1800s and has become a popular collectible item for many clock enthusiasts. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about the Ithaca Calendar Clock for sale in 2024.

What is an Ithaca Calendar Clock?

An Ithaca Calendar Clock is a unique type of clock that combines a clock mechanism with a calendar mechanism. It was first introduced by the Ithaca Calendar Clock Company in the late 1800s. The clock features a calendar mechanism that displays the day, date, and month, in addition to the time. The clock also has a chime mechanism that sounds on the hour and half-hour.

Why are Ithaca Calendar Clocks so popular?

There are several reasons why Ithaca Calendar Clocks are so popular among clock collectors and enthusiasts. Firstly, they are unique and rare. There are only a limited number of Ithaca Calendar Clocks available, making them highly sought-after items. Secondly, they are beautifully crafted and feature intricate designs that are a testament to the craftsmanship of the time. Lastly, they have a historical significance, having been introduced in the late 1800s and representing a significant period in clock-making history.

Where can I buy an Ithaca Calendar Clock?

If you are interested in buying an Ithaca Calendar Clock, there are several options available. You can search for them in antique stores or online marketplaces. However, due to their rarity, it might be challenging to find one for sale. Another option is to attend clock auctions or contact a clock collector who might have one for sale.

How much do Ithaca Calendar Clocks cost?

The cost of an Ithaca Calendar Clock can vary depending on its rarity, condition, and age. The price can range from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. It is essential to do your research and consult with a clock expert before making a purchase to ensure that you are getting a fair price.

Question and Answer

Q: Can I use an Ithaca Calendar Clock as my daily clock?

A: Yes, you can use an Ithaca Calendar Clock as your daily clock. However, it is essential to keep in mind that these clocks are antique items and require regular maintenance and care. It is recommended to consult with a clock expert to ensure that the clock is working correctly and how to care for it properly.

Q: How do I wind an Ithaca Calendar Clock?

A: Winding an Ithaca Calendar Clock can be a bit challenging, and it is recommended to seek help from a clock expert. However, the general process involves winding the clock once a week using a winding key that is inserted into the clock’s winding holes. It is essential to follow the clock’s instructions carefully to avoid damaging the clock.


The Ithaca Calendar Clock is a unique and rare clock that has become a popular collectible item among clock enthusiasts. It features a clock and calendar mechanism in one and is beautifully crafted with intricate designs. If you are interested in buying an Ithaca Calendar Clock, it is essential to do your research and consult with a clock expert before making a purchase. With proper maintenance and care, an Ithaca Calendar Clock can last for generations and be a valuable addition to any clock collection.

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