Aztec Calendar Black And White 2024: A Guide To Understanding The Mesoamerican Calendar

Poster Aztec Calendar PIXERS.US
Poster Aztec Calendar PIXERS.US from

What is the Aztec Calendar?

The Aztec calendar, also known as the Mesoamerican calendar, is a system of measuring time that was used by the Aztecs and other Mesoamerican cultures. The calendar is made up of various cycles, including a 365-day solar calendar and a 260-day ritual calendar. The Aztecs believed that time was cyclical, and that each cycle represented a different aspect of life.

What is the significance of the Aztec Calendar?

The Aztec calendar was an important part of Aztec religion and culture. It was used to determine when to plant crops, hold religious ceremonies, and make important decisions. The calendar was also used to predict the future and to determine the fate of individuals.

The Aztec Calendar Stone

The most famous artifact associated with the Aztec calendar is the Aztec Calendar Stone. This massive stone, which measures over 12 feet in diameter, was discovered in Mexico City in 1790. The stone is covered in intricate carvings that depict various aspects of Aztec religion and culture.

One of the most striking images on the stone is the face of the sun god, Tonatiuh. Tonatiuh is shown at the center of the stone, surrounded by various symbols and images that represent the different aspects of the calendar.

What is the meaning of the Aztec Calendar Stone?

The Aztec Calendar Stone is believed to represent the creation story of the Aztecs. It depicts the five suns that the Aztecs believed had occurred before the current era. The stone also shows the various gods and goddesses that were believed to rule over each era.

Aztec Calendar Today

Today, the Aztec calendar is still celebrated and honored by many people in Mexico and other parts of the world. The calendar is often used in traditional ceremonies and festivals, and is also a popular symbol in modern art and design.

How can I learn more about the Aztec Calendar?

If you are interested in learning more about the Aztec calendar, there are many resources available online and in books. You can also visit museums and cultural centers in Mexico to see artifacts and exhibits related to the calendar and other aspects of Aztec culture.


The Aztec calendar is a fascinating and complex system of measuring time that has played an important role in the history and culture of Mesoamerica. Whether you are interested in history, religion, or art, the Aztec calendar is a subject that is sure to capture your imagination.

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